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4 Things That Send Me In A Whirlwind Of Overwhelm And Non-Productivity

What I have found over the years is no matter how weird something may seem or how alone you may feel, you are not alone. There is someone that feels the way you feel somewhere out there. If you’re a believer as I am, you know that ultimately God is in control but you will still get feelings of being alone and you will still feel overwhelmed from time to time because you are human.

The lessons you learn are learned not to just help you but those around you. All that being said, here is a list of things that sends me spinning in an absolute state of overwhelm. A Little fact about me: I do not handle overwhelm well at all!! In my biggest state of overwhelm I may cry… yell…throw things… or all three. Not flattering I know… but I do it ask my husband!

1. Taking Full control… I know what you’re saying. “How is taking full control not a good thing?” Taking full control is okay in small doses, but taking full control on too many projects adds too much to my plate. When this happens I do the bare minimum on each task instead of my very best because I am split too thin. 2. When I try to explain myself to those who don’t really want an explanation but instead just crave a debate. Debating takes time and energy. Energy I could be using toward something productive. If you are dealing with one of those personalities just smile give a simple answer and keep it moving, unless the inquisitive being is a two year old child… then the tactics must change a little J 3. Uncertainty is a big one for me! Believe it or not I don’t know everything (shocking I know). When there is something I want to do but do not know how to do it, or where to begin it turns my world upside down. I start researching and implementing all that I have learned all at once. I then become frustrated and give up because I have made no progress.

4. When I focus on the size of the problem rather than the size of God! Again back to my faith God is bigger than whatever is looming on my to do list.

Two of the biggest but simplest things mentioned above is… I am human. God is bigger than the issue.

Sometimes small changes can make a big impact. Since the new organization system I have implemented, my level of overwhelm has significantly decreased. Want to give my system a try? Get it free here:

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